Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Why do policemen distrust young black men?  The answer is simple...

Click out this link and read this article:   YOUNG BLACK MEN MURDER 14 TIMES MORE THAN YOUNG WHITE MEN 

The article was not written by me but points out better than I can about how the black community thinks that policemen choose to unfairly "pick" on their young black men.

Michael Brown started the fight!  By his bad behavior, he precipitated  an action that caused him to lose his life and may destroy the life of the cop who shot him.  If Michael had been home reading a good book instead of being in the streets creating mischief, the cop would have been on a routine call, the video of Michael robbing the store would not exist, the riots would not be taking place, and everyone could concentrate on the mischief created by ISIS, which is far more important in the great scheme of things.

Blacks need to address the high rate of crime in their race rather than trying to shift the blame on others.  A problem cannot be corrected until the root of the cause has been determined and dealt with properly.   

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