Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I received this as an email, and I feel everyone should read it, although it is lengthy, it is interesting to the end.  Only this type of man is capable of saving America.  It has been c&p, and I do not know who wrote the article.

This country needs more leaders like this man. Maybe we could get some problems solved instead of bashing the other party and being a race monger.
Meet Maine 's New Governor --- In case you haven't heard about this guy before, his name will stick in your mind! The new Maine Governor, Paul LePage is making New Jersey 's Chris Christie look timid. He isn't afraid to say what he thinks. Judging by the comments, every time he opens his mouth, his popularity goes up.
He brought down the house at his inauguration when he shook his fist toward the media box and said, "You're on notice! I've inherited a financially troubled State to run. Observe...cover what we do...but don't whine if I don't waste time responding to your every whim just for your amusement."
During his campaign for Governor, he was talking to commercial fishermen who are struggling because of federal fisheries rules. They complained that 0bama brought his family to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park for a long Labor Day holiday and found time to meet with union leaders, but wouldn't talk to the fishermen. LePage replied, "I'd tell him to go to hell and get out of my State." The Lame Stream Media crucified LePage, but he jumped 6 points in the pre-election poll.
The Martin Luther King incident was a political sandbag, which brought him national exposure. The 'lame stream' media crucified him, but word on the street is very positive. The NAACP specifically asked LePage to spend MLK Day visiting black inmates at the Maine State Prison. He told them that he would meet with ALL inmates, regardless of race, if he were to visit the prison. The NAACP balked and then put out a news release claiming falsely that he refused to participate in any MLK events. He read it in the paper for the 1st time the next morning while being driven to an event and went ballistic because none of the reporters had called him for comment before running the NAACP release. 
He arrived at that event & said in front of a TV camera, "If they want to play the race card on me they can kiss my ass", and he reminded them that he has an adopted black son from Jamaica and that he attended the local MLK Breakfast every year that he was mayor of Waterville. (He started his morning there on MLK Day.) 
He then stated that there's a right way and a wrong way to meet with the Governor, and he put all special interests on notice that press releases, media leaks, and all demonstrations would prove to be the wrong way. He said any other group, which acted like the NAACP could expect to be at the bottom of the Governor's priority list! 
He then did the following, and judging from local radio talk show callers, his popularity increased even more: The State employees union complained because he waited until 3 P.M. before closing State offices and facilities and sending non-emergency personnel home during the last blizzard. The prior Governor would often close offices for the day with just a forecast before the first flakes. (Each time the State closes for snow, it costs the taxpayers about $1 million in wages for no work in return.)
LePage was CEO of the Marden's chain of discount family bargain retail stores before election as governor. He noted that State employees getting off work early could still find lots of retail stores open to shop. So, he put the State employees on notice by announcing: "If Marden's is open, Maine is open!" 
He told State employees: "We live in Maine in the winter, for heaven's sake, and should know how to drive in it. Otherwise, apply for a State job in Florida !" Governor LePage symbolizes what America needs; Refreshing politicians who aren't self-serving and who exhibit common sense.
I really love this one.
This is one of the better e-mails I have received in a long time! I hope this makes its way around the USA several times over!!!!! HERE IS WHAT Governor LaPage said:
"THE LAW IS THE LAW So "if" the US government determines that it is against the law for the words "under God" to be on our money, then, so be it. 
And "if" that same government decides that the "Ten Commandments" are not to be used in or on a government installation, then, so be it.
I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding US citizen
I say, "so be it," because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions.
I would like to think that those people have the American public's best interests at heart. 

Since we can't pray to God, can't Trust in God and cannot post His Commandments in Government buildings, I don't believe Government (Federal, State and Local) and its employees should participate in Easter and Christmas celebrations which honor the God that our government is eliminating from many facets of American life. 
I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter. After all, it's just another day.
I'd like the" US Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter as well as Sundays." After all, it's just another day.
I'd like the Senate and the House of Representatives to not have to worry about getting home for the "Christmas Break." After all it's just another day.
I'm thinking a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved, if all government offices & services would work on Christmas, Good Friday & Easter. It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be just like any other day of the week to a government that is trying to be "politically correct."
In fact....I think our government should work on Sundays (AFTER ALL, It was initially set aside for worshipping God....) because, AFTER ALL, our government says that it should be Just ANOTHER DAY...." 
What do you all think???? If this idea gets to enough people, maybe our elected officials will stop giving in to the "minority opinions" and begin, once again, to represent the "majority" of ALL of the American people.

SO BE IT...........Please Dear Lord, Give us the help needed to keep you in our country! 'Amen' and 'Amen' Touché!

Saturday, January 11, 2014


A good friend of mine once advised me to leave all this "political stuff" to others.  Why?  That is the problem with American politics now, too many people are uneducated about politics and make no real effort to change things.  They simply whine about our lot-in-life, and they make little effort to change things.

For the last two presidential elections, we have elected a president like in a popularity contest, based a lot on the color of his skin, and we find that he is not a compentent person, and he has turned out to be over-his-head in leading our country.

On the other hand, another good friend is seriously dismayed that we "common people" cannot seem to find a way to reach the uneducated citizens to encourage them to vote for qualified candidates.  Some voter either don't care, lazy, brain-washed by sound-bites, or are simply ignorant. 

While this little blog might not do much, at least I am trying to get people to use their "common sense" when making a decision about who to vote for in these next two elections in 2014 and 2016.

Don't sit and whine, use your "common sense" and make every effort to vote for the right people. 

Friday, January 3, 2014


There is a lot of national news regarding the 13 year-old girl who died as a result of complications from a tonsillectomy.  The hospital claims she is actually dead, that her body is only functioning as a result of being on a life-support system.

I am a retired intensive care registered nurse who has been involved in many of these cases during my career.  It can be very confusing at times, especially to family members, as to when a person should be on life-support.

This matter should be settled by a person signing a living will that will eliminate this confusion.  However, some living wills can create confusion.  Generally speaking, a living will should state that when there is no chance of survival, a "do not resuscitate" should be in place.  The problem with some living wills is that they do not state this explicitly, and I have seen family members insist on someone not being placed on life-support when a person has a good chance of survival, such as being in a car wreck or some other temporary critical problem.

As for this 13 year-old young girl being kept alive on life-support; the truth of the matter is that she is not alive.  Her soul is gone.  Only her body that has housed her spirit is being kept alive.

In the "old days" before some regulations were strictly put in place, I had a patient that was left on life-support for months.  Our intensive care unit had glassed-in rooms, so that we could keep an eye on them without having to go into the room and to help to keep cross-contamination of bacteria or other diseases separate from each patient. 

This patient began to smell terrible, like a dead person, even though his heart beat, blood pressure, and other vital signs were good.  He was even given medications and nutritional support.  The numbers on the high-tech equipment made him look as if he was doing fine.  At first, his autonomic nervous system would react slightly to voices or touching.  Finally, this ceased.

However, even though we nurses and the doctors knew that we were treating a dead person, he was treated as if he was alive, which he was not.  To hang intravenous medications (IVs), I would have to take a very deep breath, due to the unacceptable foul odor that I would encounter when I opened the door and entered the room; then I would rush in and do what I needed to do.  When I could not hold my breath any longer, I would exit the room, relax a moment, and take another deep breath.  I would have to do this a minimum of six times before I could complete my tasks.  Finally, a court order allowed the doctors to take him off of life-support so that he could be buried.

The guidelines have changed over the years, and I am certain that the doctors would not consider taking this child off of life-support unless they were absolutely certain that she is not alive.  The family is looking at this situation as if she is in a coma, which is quite different than being declared "brain dead." 

I have personally faced this hard decision myself, and I know it can be a difficult one to make.  My husband was put on life-support even though he had a living will.  He was a terminal cancer patient, and he had serious heart disease, with a previous heart attack which resulted in open-heart surgery.  At this point, he was terminally ill.  This was a case where we were consulted as a family about carrying out his wishes per his living will.  We decided to put my husband's fate in the hands of God and to take him off of life-support.  If he was to live, it would be up to God to determine his appointed time to die.

The doctors took my husband off of the life-support, and he lived.  He was treated with medications and nutrition.  However, he died within three days.  We were comforted, knowing that God had decided to call him home.

I just hope something happens to prove to the parents of the 13 y.o. that they should leave the decision up to God, and not wait until she starts to smell like a dead person, because I can still vividly remember how that other patient smelled, even after twenty years.  It is not a good memory.

I have seen families insist on patients being kept alive, primarily because they are not able to cope with their death unless they have done all they can to extend the life of a loved one.  However, this can cause a patient to spend their last moments on earth being tortured with numerous lines and tubes inserted throughout their body, a tube being shoved down their throat so they can breathe, and other futile treatments that can make the patient miserable.  Sometimes, the greatest act of love is to simply let a patient go home to God.