Thursday, August 21, 2014


There are many stories being presented by eye witnesses regarding the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO.  I want to state upfront that some of these stories may be true, but I want to offer another possibility, questioning the reason he might have raised his hands during the confrontation.  I think it is important to point out that I am of the white race.

I part-time teach in my public school system, and I like to teach in the middle and high schools.  In a classroom, I am frequently a witness to bad behavior, creating so much chaos  in the classroom it hinders the good students from being able to learn.  Naïve liberals have a simple solution: blame it on the teacher's inability to control his/her classroom.  Yeah! Sure!  Just make them behave.  No problem!

Back to the point of this blog about hands being raised in any confrontation.  In a classroom setting, I can see with my own eyes when a kid punches another one, throws something across the room, and other mischievous actions, and when I confront them...this is what I have seen numerous times:

The perpetrator will automatically throw up both of their hands and say, "What did I do?"  Somehow, this must be some natural instinct that is supposed to reinforce their innocence.

Back to the Brown case:  One eye witness account of Michael Brown's actions was that he turned toward the cop and said, "What are you going to do...shoot me?"  Did he instinctually throw up both hands as he taunted the cop?  Is it possible that he was trying to be a smart-aleck?

Everybody who has any interest in the Brown shooting case is making unconscious decisions based on their past experiences.  It is a natural phenomenon to be influenced by what has happened in the past.  In fact, it is hard to make any decision without being influenced one way or the other. 

My past experiences make me question why Brown might have raised his hands, if he did so.  However, the justice system is supposed to be absolutely neutral, not contaminated by past experiences, and decisions should be based on facts, and only facts, as to what really happened during the shooting of Michael Brown.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Why do policemen distrust young black men?  The answer is simple...

Click out this link and read this article:   YOUNG BLACK MEN MURDER 14 TIMES MORE THAN YOUNG WHITE MEN 

The article was not written by me but points out better than I can about how the black community thinks that policemen choose to unfairly "pick" on their young black men.

Michael Brown started the fight!  By his bad behavior, he precipitated  an action that caused him to lose his life and may destroy the life of the cop who shot him.  If Michael had been home reading a good book instead of being in the streets creating mischief, the cop would have been on a routine call, the video of Michael robbing the store would not exist, the riots would not be taking place, and everyone could concentrate on the mischief created by ISIS, which is far more important in the great scheme of things.

Blacks need to address the high rate of crime in their race rather than trying to shift the blame on others.  A problem cannot be corrected until the root of the cause has been determined and dealt with properly.   

Monday, August 18, 2014


There is an easy way to stop the violence in Ferguson, MO.  The protestors should take personal responsibility and GO HOME.

They say they are protesting the shooting death of Brown.  However, it is about much more than that; they are expressing their rage about the police, their economic status,  racism in our country, and other injustices of life.

Take the police problem:  Sure, there are some "bad" policemen, but most of them are good men who are simply doing their job at the risk of their own lives.  What would we do without them?   Martin Luther King was smart enough to know how to act in order to accomplish his goals.  Yelling and screaming and "taunting" the cops  is not a good way to solve a problem with the police.  

Take the problem with Brown:  Had he been walking on the sidewalk like he should have, he would have never got into a confrontation with a cop and avoided being shot.  If he had not robbed the convenience store, his video would not have come to the public's attention.

Take the problem with the peaceful protests:  Anybody with any common sense knows that you cannot get a crowd of angry people together and expect everyone to act appropriately.

Take the problem with the inappropriate protesters:  Even though they may be in the minority in the crowd, they cannot shoot guns, loot stores, etc. and expect the police to sit idly by while this happens. When there is a large crowd, it is difficult to pick out the "bad guys" from the "good guys."  To expect them to be able to do so is irrational.  In all of life, the bad guys make it hard on the good ones. 

What the blacks do not consciously realize is that they have become far more racist towards whites than whites are against blacks.

I am white and have suffered many injustices in life.  However, I have to take personal responsibility for my part in these injustices.  If I was black, I am sure I would blame a lot of them on my being black.

Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are in it for themselves, because their ability to "stir up the blacks" has been a lucrative profession.


Thursday, August 14, 2014


Martin Luther King would turn over in his grave at the behavior of the blacks who turn to violence when they are unhappy about some event that makes national news.

Many people might say that some of the blacks are only using the killing of the black teenager as an excuse to vent their pent-up anger; anger that probably has nothing to do with the killing of the teenager.

I watched a video once entitled, "Watch out!  You're Establishing Your Reputation."  It pointed out how we establish our own reputation by the use of our words and especially our actions.  The riots in Missouri make the people of the black race look like a bunch on uncivilized people.

However, most of us know that this is not so, that most blacks are just as civilized as whites, and more so than some "poor white trashy" people.  The blacks  who agree with the teachings of Martin Luther King should speak out in their neighborhoods against uncivilized behavior, because it creates a bad reputation for the blacks who are trying to live right.

Why don't these people get upset over the overwhelming black crime on blacks?  This is a serious problem in the black community.  This is a problem that must be solved by blacks.  The blacks need another Martin Luther King to lead them.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson make a living, a lucrative living, stirring up trouble in the black communities.  They need to be kicked to the curb.


The race car driver Ward, who was run over and killed by Stewart, another race car driver on the track, was responsible for his own death.

He should not have gotten out of his car and stand in front of oncoming race cars, including Stewart's oncoming car.  They only have two videos about this incident.  One of them show that Ward was clipped by the right back tire of Stewart's race car.  The race car just ahead of Stewart had to swerve to miss Ward on the track.

Wouldn't it stand to "logical" reason that if Ward got clipped by Stewart's right back tire that he also attempted to swerve to miss Ward, causing the back of Stewart's car to "fish tale" in such a way that the back tire  accidently hit Ward?

The main point to remember is that Ward made the choice to get out of his car and to stand in front of oncoming racing cars that were traveling  at extremely high speeds.  Who does that?   


Obama has made the comment in the past when ISIS first began to blossom in the middle east, that they were simply JVs (Junior Varsity) in the game of terrorism, implying that the US should not worry about this group very much.

However, since that time, ISIS has proven to be the most organized and professional group that the world has ever faced.  They have taken over large parts of Iraq, invaded parts of Syria, and threatening to invade Jordan and other nearby countries.  Does he still think they are JVs?

Obama also reprimanded Maliki for not stepping down as PM of Iraq, stating that Iraq needed new leadership; leadership  which would represent all of the people of Iraq.  Obama does not take his own advice.  In America, he only represents the wishes of the Democrats, the liberals, and the minorities.  He is NOT the President of the conservatives or the Republicans.

The ludicrous part of this article is that Obama is the real JV; playing junior varsity in the office of the president of the US.  We have elected a "community organizer" to run our country.  He had very little experience in running anything,  Now, in his position of power, he is setting the tone for how the entire world, not just our country, as to how governments should be run. 

With the help of his cabinet members, especially Harry Reid, he is making all the important decisions by himself.  The House of Representatives are accused of doing nothing, but Harry Reid will not even let the bills the House  passes to come up for a vote.

As for foreign policy, Obama had no experience in foreign policy when elected, but he seems to call all of the shots in making military decisions.  Why?  He is not knowledgeable enough to make serious military decisions that affect the entire world.  Why aren't these matters made by the leaders in the Pentagon?

Running America is like running the biggest business in the world.  Before being elected as President of the United States, with his resume in hand, he would not have been considered for the position of a CEO to head up any of our large corporations.  Yet...since he can make pretty cute...witty...and 1/2 black...he is running our country as President of the United States.