Thursday, August 14, 2014


Martin Luther King would turn over in his grave at the behavior of the blacks who turn to violence when they are unhappy about some event that makes national news.

Many people might say that some of the blacks are only using the killing of the black teenager as an excuse to vent their pent-up anger; anger that probably has nothing to do with the killing of the teenager.

I watched a video once entitled, "Watch out!  You're Establishing Your Reputation."  It pointed out how we establish our own reputation by the use of our words and especially our actions.  The riots in Missouri make the people of the black race look like a bunch on uncivilized people.

However, most of us know that this is not so, that most blacks are just as civilized as whites, and more so than some "poor white trashy" people.  The blacks  who agree with the teachings of Martin Luther King should speak out in their neighborhoods against uncivilized behavior, because it creates a bad reputation for the blacks who are trying to live right.

Why don't these people get upset over the overwhelming black crime on blacks?  This is a serious problem in the black community.  This is a problem that must be solved by blacks.  The blacks need another Martin Luther King to lead them.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson make a living, a lucrative living, stirring up trouble in the black communities.  They need to be kicked to the curb.

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