Obama has made the comment in the past when ISIS first began to blossom in the middle east, that they were simply JVs (Junior Varsity) in the game of terrorism, implying that the US should not worry about this group very much.
However, since that time, ISIS has proven to be the most organized and professional group that the world has ever faced. They have taken over large parts of Iraq, invaded parts of Syria, and threatening to invade Jordan and other nearby countries. Does he still think they are JVs?
Obama also reprimanded Maliki for not stepping down as PM of Iraq, stating that Iraq needed new leadership; leadership which would represent all of the people of Iraq. Obama does not take his own advice. In America, he only represents the wishes of the Democrats, the liberals, and the minorities. He is NOT the President of the conservatives or the Republicans.
The ludicrous part of this article is that Obama is the real JV; playing junior varsity in the office of the president of the US. We have elected a "community organizer" to run our country. He had very little experience in running anything, Now, in his position of power, he is setting the tone for how the entire world, not just our country, as to how governments should be run.
With the help of his cabinet members, especially Harry Reid, he is making all the important decisions by himself. The House of Representatives are accused of doing nothing, but Harry Reid will not even let the bills the House passes to come up for a vote.
As for foreign policy, Obama had no experience in foreign policy when elected, but he seems to call all of the shots in making military decisions. Why? He is not knowledgeable enough to make serious military decisions that affect the entire world. Why aren't these matters made by the leaders in the Pentagon?
Running America is like running the biggest business in the world. Before being elected as President of the United States, with his resume in hand, he would not have been considered for the position of a CEO to head up any of our large corporations. Yet...since he can make pretty speeches...is cute...witty...and 1/2 black...he is running our country as President of the United States.
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