Tuesday, October 22, 2013

OBAMA CARE - Parrot Talk

Reprint from an earlier blog:
There has never been anything that has been impacted by "parrot talk" like Obama Care.  Recently, Bob Beckle of "The Five" on Fox News was irate (as usual) in his defense of Obama Care. He spit out words that are simply "parrot-talk," because I will guarantee you that he has not read a single page of Obama Care.

Obama himself spends our taxpayer money traveling around the country "stumping" for his health care bill to be put into place. Again, I will guarantee you that he has not read a single page of the health care bill.

Nancy Pelosi said it best: "We will not know what is in it until it is passed."

How ludicrous! The major problem we intelligent Americans have faced with Obama Care is that we don't know what is in the bill, and wonder if anyone else does. As large as the bill is, it is hard to believe that any one person knows everything in it.

Before Obama Care was passed, it should have been disected by a special committee, and the results made known to the American people. We should have been allowed to have a say as to whether it should be passed since it will impact our nation in such a mighty way. Obama Care is not a trivial matter.

But "no," the Obama gang decided to push it down everyone's throats. Anybody with a grain of sense does not like something being pushed on them, especially about something so important.

However, many of the people on Obama's side sit like parrots on a perch and wait for "spin" to be packed into their brains, then like mighty warriors, the parrots start to regurgitate the words to anyone who will listen. This will eventually bite them in the backside, like the union bosses are starting to realize.

It is said that there is a "dumbing down of America." That is because too many people are not utilizing their brains (if they possess one) to its maximum potential. Too many people are sitting with their brains in "neutral," until someone prompts them to say, "Polly wants a cracker. Obama Care will solve all of our health problems."

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