Monday, November 11, 2013


I have copied the following email that I received and am posting the questions on today's blog:

If only some interviewer would ask Obama the following questions: "Why do you want our wonderful country to become a socialist nation?" "Why do you want to destroy our country?" "What is behind your dictatorial message?" "Why do you hate America so much that you are destroying it?" "Why do you not want a middle class society and only want poor people looking to you for a handout?" "Why do you hate the middle class so much?" "How can you sleep at night knowing you are destroying peoples lives?" "If your health care plan is so good why don't you use it yourself?" "Why don't you want to wait for 6 months to see a doctor or have surgery like the rest of us will have to?" "Why do you tell lies to us daily?" "Is politics so important in your life that you would do anything to get votes?"
These are questions that everyone wants to know but nobody will ask. He gets away with everything again. What's wrong with this picture??????

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