Saturday, November 9, 2013


What is the definition of abuse or harassment? When you constantly and deliberately do something to someone that makes them very unhappy...that is a form of abuse and harassment. 

With Incognito's background, I am certain that he is a "bad dude" and capable of abuse and harassment.  However, some of his team mates take up for him by saying he is just a super joker.  He is a bully.

Martin does not know what harassment is until he trys to teach a bunch of middle and high school kids.  I am certain that Incognito perfected his behavior as he worked his way through school.  His bad behavior was reinforced by the laughter he received when he "acted out" in the classroom.

The classrooms of today are filled with both boys and girls with personalities like Incognito.  They live for the moment, and the attention they get from bad behavior spurs them onward.  Sometimes, they carry this behavior into adulthood.

I substitute teach sometimes to get away from this computer in order to see what is really going on in the world.  What better way than to observe what is going on in the schools.  "Bubble dwellers, " have no idea where our culture is headed.

While Martin has only had to contend with one guy named Incognito, a substitute teacher has to deal with dozens of them almost every time they take an assignment. Some of the regular teachers have to deal with it every day.

I constantly run into students who harass me.  I am what is considered to be a "tough cookie," and I put them out in the hall, have administration move them out of the room, and use whatever discipline works for the students.  I have been told by many students, "We don't care if we get suspended.  We don't want to go to school anyway."  However, no matter how hard I come down on them, I am constantly told, "You are my favorite sub-teacher," or they tell me "You are a super cool sub."  I start most classes off with, "I am a nice teacher, if you are nice students; however, if you are not nice students, I am not a nice teacher.  It is your choice."

It is a shame that teachers spend at least four years getting a degree in education, graduate and are ready to "save the world," but after being employed, they find themselves having to spend at least 50% of their time trying to keep order in the room.  Some teachers do better at this than others, but the sweet, naive, easily intimidated ones are sometimes "tormented" by their disruptive students.

To add insult to injury, the national media blames everything on the teachers.  While there are some incompetent teachers, there are thousands of students who do not want to learn, will not listen, and will actually "abuse" their teacher. 

Back to Martin vs Incognito.  I would NEVER let someone who is about my size intimidate, abuse, and harass me.  I may not be able to control my students all the time, but I never let them see the "whites of my eyes." 

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